Salem, Or, US
I am a blind free software and gaming enthusiast from Salem, Oregon. I make games for the blind and sighted alike through 2mb games. Thanks for checking out my projects!
Games and miscelaneous tools from 2MB Games (
662973a Attempt to not copy the shared objects on every load.
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/love2d-template git
0a0b84a Update makelove.toml name for the application to an obvious placeholder
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/love2d-template git
8631d31 Attempt to fix screen reader library not loading from within the .love file
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/love2d-template git
11b38c9 Initial commit with readme file.
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/2MBGames git
b6432cd Updates from crimson2
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/anarchymud git
4395ab0 Patch added for compiling with -werror
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/horseshoes git
4395ab0 Patch added for compiling with -werror
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/horseshoes git
301a43d Hopefully fix warning in misc.cpp
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/game-kit git
c618394 Update game-kit, fix error
~lilmike pushed to ~lilmike/game-engine git